
What Happens To The Temperature Of A Pure Substance At The Exact Moment Of A Phase Change?

Levine, Ira North. Department of Chemistry, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, New York.

The temperature at which the liquid and vapor phases are in equilibrium with each other at a specified pressure. At the boiling point, the transition from the liquid to the gaseous stage occurs in a pure substance. Therefore, the humid indicate is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the applied pressure on the liquid. The boiling point at a force per unit area of i atmosphere is chosen the normal humid point (encounter illustration).

Phase diagram for water

Phase diagram for water. (1 atm = 101.325 kPa)

For a pure substance at a particular pressure level P, the stable phase is the vapor phase at temperatures immediately above the boiling point and is the liquid phase at temperatures immediately below the boiling point (see illustration). The liquid-vapor equilibrium line on the phase diagram of a pure substance gives the boiling bespeak as a function of pressure. Alternatively, this line gives the vapor pressure of the liquid every bit a office of temperature. The vapor pressure of water is 1 atm (101.325 kilopascals) at 100°C, the normal boiling point of water. The vapor force per unit area of water is 3.2 kPa (0.031 atm) at 25°C, so the boiling signal of water at 3.2 kPa is 25°C. The liquid-vapor equilibrium line on the phase diagram of a pure substance begins at the triple bespeak (where solid, liquid, and vapor coexist in equilibrium) and ends at the critical point, where the densities of the liquid and vapor phases have become equal. For pressures below the triple-betoken pressure or above the critical-point pressure, the boiling point is meaningless. Carbon dioxide has a triple-indicate pressure level of five.11 atm (518 kPa), then carbon dioxide has no normal humid point. See also: Triple signal; Vapor force per unit area

The normal humid betoken is high for liquids with strong intermolecular attractions and low for liquids with weak intermolecular attractions. Helium has the everyman normal boiling point, 4.2 kelvin (−268.nine°C). Some other normal boiling points are 111.1 Chiliad (−162°C) for methane (CHiv), 450°C for triacontane (n-C30H62), 1465°C for sodium chloride (NaCl), and 5555°C for tungsten (W).

The rate of change of the humid-bespeak accented temperature T b of a pure substance with pressure is given by the equation below.

math graphic 5

ΔH vap,m is the molar enthalpy (estrus) of vaporization, and ΔV vap,m is the molar book modify on vaporization.

The quantity ΔH vap,grand/T b is ΔS vap,1000, the tooth entropy of vaporization. The molar entropy of vaporization at the normal boiling point (nbp) is given approximately by Trouton'southward rule: ΔDue south vap,m,nbp ≈ 87 J/mol K (21 cal/mol K). Trouton's rule fails for highly polar liquids (particularly hydrogen-bonded liquids). It as well fails for liquids boiling at very depression or very high temperatures, because the molar book of the vapor changes with temperature and the entropy of a gas depends on its volume.

When a pure liquid is boiled at stock-still force per unit area, the temperature remains constant until all the liquid has vaporized. When a solution is boiled at fixed force per unit area, the composition of the vapor usually differs from that of the liquid, and the change in liquid composition during boiling changes the boiling indicate. Thus the humid process occurs over a range of temperatures for a solution. An exception is an azeotrope, which is a solution that boils entirely at a constant temperature considering the vapor in equilibrium with the solution has the same composition as the solution. In fractional distillation, the variation of boiling indicate with composition is used to separate liquid mixtures into their components. Encounter besides: Azeotropic mixture; Distillation; Stage equilibrium


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